Publication Ethics

International Journal of Art, Culture and Communication

Publication Ethics

The International Journal of Art, Culture and Communication (IJACC) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics. We expect all authors to comply with these guidelines to ensure the integrity of the journal's content.


  • All authors must have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the work.
  • All authors must be aware of and agree with the submission of the manuscript.
  • All authors must be accountable for all aspects of the work.


  • Manuscripts submitted to IJACC must be original and not previously published elsewhere.
  • Manuscripts must not be under consideration for publication by another journal.
  • If a manuscript includes previously published material, the authors must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and clearly indicate the source of the material.

Data Sharing and Availability

  • IJACC encourages authors to share their data and materials in a way that allows others to verify their results and build upon their work.
  • Authors should make their data and materials as widely available as possible, consistent with ethical and legal considerations.
  • Upon publication, authors should deposit their data and materials in a suitable repository, such as a data sharing platform or institutional repository.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their interpretation of the results.
  • Potential conflicts of interest include financial relationships, personal relationships, or professional affiliations that could be perceived as biasing the author's work.
  • Conflicts of interest should be disclosed in a separate section of the manuscript, titled "Conflicts of Interest."


  • Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without proper attribution.
  • IJACC takes plagiarism very seriously and will not publish manuscripts that contain plagiarized material.
  • Authors must ensure that their work is original and that all borrowed words or ideas are properly cited.


  • IJACC requires authors to transfer copyright for their published papers to the journal.
  • Authors retain the right to use their own work for non-commercial purposes, but they must acknowledge IJACC as the original publisher.
  • Authors may grant permission to others to reprint their work, but they must obtain written permission from IJACC in advance.

Reviewer Responsibilities

  • Reviewers are responsible for providing fair, objective, and timely reviews of manuscripts.
  • Reviewers must avoid conflicts of interest and must not disclose confidential information about the manuscript to anyone other than the editors.
  • Reviewers should provide constructive feedback to authors and help them to improve their work.

Editorial Responsibilities

  • The editors of IJACC are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the journal and ensuring the quality of the published content.
  • The editors will make all decisions about publication based on the merits of the manuscript and the recommendations of the reviewers.
  • The editors will take all necessary steps to investigate and address any allegations of misconduct.

Complaints and Appeals

  • IJACC has a procedure for handling complaints and appeals.
  • If you have a complaint about a published manuscript, please contact the editors of the journal.
  • The editors will review your complaint and will take appropriate action, which may include contacting the authors of the manuscript or publishing a correction or retraction.

Contact Information

  • If you have any questions about IJACC's publication ethics, please contact the editors of the journal.