Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy Of "International Journal of Art, Culture and Communication"


The "International Journal of Art, Culture and Communication" (IJACC) is committed to publishing original and high-quality research. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that undermines this commitment. This policy outlines the IJACC's definition of plagiarism and the procedures for handling plagiarism allegations.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work as your own. This can include copying text directly from another source, paraphrasing without attribution, or using someone else's ideas without giving them credit. Plagiarism also includes submitting the same or substantially similar work to multiple publications.

Procedures for Handling Plagiarism Allegations

If IJACC staff or reviewers suspect that a manuscript submitted to the journal contains plagiarized material, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. The manuscript will be sent to a plagiarism detection service.
  2. If the plagiarism detection service identifies plagiarized material, the manuscript will be returned to the authors with a request for an explanation.
  3. The authors will have the opportunity to respond to the plagiarism allegations.
  4. If the authors' explanation is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be rejected.
  5. In cases of serious plagiarism, the authors may be blacklisted from submitting to IJACC in the future.

Prevention of Plagiarism

IJACC encourages authors to take steps to prevent plagiarism, such as:

  • Using quotation marks around direct quotes from other sources
  • Paraphrasing text in your own words
  • Citing all sources of information
  • Keeping track of your sources
  • Using a plagiarism detection service before submitting your manuscript


The IJACC takes plagiarism very seriously. We believe that it is important to maintain the integrity of our journal and to publish only original and high-quality research. We hope that this policy will help to deter plagiarism and to ensure that the work published in IJACC is of the highest quality.